May Recap & Upcoming Events in June

Hello Fellow Gardeners!

I’m happy to announce that we have successfully launched our 2024 season with a blast off month of May! 

Our Brews on Tues event at the Cardinal Brewery on the 7th was a hoot! Mother Nature was very cooperative with a gorgeous sunny afternoon. We had members seated both inside and outside the pub. The highlight of the evening was our flower bingo game which provided some comic moments of relief. Thanks to all of you who were able to attend. Your participation helped raise $100 for the club.

Finally, our Spring Plant sale on the 25th was a huge success! Many thanks to Mary McBride and her team of volunteers for all their hard work in the logistical set up and sale of a wonderful variety of plants and roots. Also, to Microbrasserie Cardinal Brewing for hosting us, and a heartfelt thank you to all the members who donated their cuttings and potted plants. The sale brought in $1192.00 for the HGC!

Let’s hope that June will be as explosive as the month of May! Beginning at 7:30 PM on the 18th at the Hudson Creative Hub, Dan Cooper will be presenting his concept, “Gardening from a Hammock: How to Create a Low-Maintenance Garden.” And as we all get a little older, I think that his presentation will be something that we will all be striving to emulate in our own gardens! 

Also occurring in the month of June, is a presentation by Chris Buddle in collaboration with the Greenwood Centre for Living History and Hudson’s Creek 53 watershed for a celebration of poetry, art, natural history and the splendour of our local area. It will be a live presentation on June 20th at the Hudson Community Centre at 7:30 PM, with admission by donation. More details can be found on their website HERE.

Finally, Shelley Olsen, our board member who has taken over the reins from Deborah in finding the membership wonderful bus tours, has some terrific news to share with us. Shelley has been able to put together another bus tour for our membership in the month of October. Here is a synopsis from Shelley on the details of that event:

We wish to announce the addition of a second bus trip to the MONTREAL BOTANICAL GARDENS on Tuesday October 8 to see the fall gardens, the “PUMPKIN BALL” in the Greenhouse and the “GARDENS OF LIGHT” in the Chinese, Japanese and First Nations gardens.

We will arrive early in the afternoon to see the fall gardens, leave for a lovely Greek dinner on St. Denis Street, and then go back to see the light displays at dusk. (6:30 pm)
Cost will be $135 including bus fare, garden entrance fee and dinner.

Sounds like an incredible outing folks! Shelley advises me that registration will begin at our June meeting on the 18th and continue throughout the summer, so, don’t forget to bring that cheque book.

Happy gardening everyone!

Hudson Garden Club
