The 2024 gardening season is upon us and we have lots of exciting things in store!
Hello Fellow Gardeners!
Happy Easter everyone! I hope that you are all having a wonderful Easter weekend, visiting with those that you cherish. Not to mention the spectacular weather that we’ve been enjoying these last few days.
With the start of April only hours away, it’s time to start blowing off the cobwebs from those old garden tools and getting one’s back muscles loose and ready for another glorious growing season! Which also includes, of course, another season of fun with the Hudson Garden Club!

Your Board of Directors (BOD’s) have been meeting diligently, planning out our ‘24 season which promises to be action packed. Our website has all of our planned events on full display (see full listing HERE), starting with our Annual General Meeting (AGM) on April 16th. Come out and join us for a little glass of wine, meet old and dear friends and get the chance to win a fabulous door prize. All for the price of membership. What a deal!
And this year, we’re happy to announce that we have streamlined the registration process. Just click on ‘’Membership’’ from the menu, and you can register electronically and remit your membership dues via e-transfer. Simply pick up your membership card on the evening of the 16th at the membership desk and then sign up for the bus trip if you are so inclined, or simply saunter into the big hall for your delicious glass of wine. Easy Peasy!

The bus trip this year will take place on July 17th, with a trip to Maitland and Merrickville in Ontario. More details can be found HERE.
Speaking of bus trip……..for our 2025 season, the Board of Directors are looking at incorporating into our planned events, a three (3) day bus trip. However, before we can plan such an event, we need to make sure that there is enough interest to sustain such an event. So, we are doing an informal survey to see if there are 56 individuals who would be interested in a wonderful trip consisting of a 2 night stay and visiting some wonderful gardens! If we receive promising feedback, then we will go ahead and plan something extravagant for the ‘25 season, but we do need the 56 committed individuals. More details to come at the AGM.

As you all know, one of the areas that the HGC excels in, are our pop-up garden tours. If you would like to include your garden in this year’s list, please don’t be shy, we would love to come and visit with you in your beautiful garden. Simply add your intentions to show your garden, by checking the box, when you are filling out your registration form. Or perhaps your neighbor has the green thumb, we would be more than happy to contact them to see if they would be willing to show us their gorgeous garden! Just drop us a line.
Finally, four of our board members have decided to step down from the board, effective April 16th. Their tireless work effort and dedication to the club will certainly be missed. Jasmine Ashby, was instrumental in planning and executing our incredibly successful November luncheon last year and our movie dates. The remaining three, Deborah Barclay, Kathy Leech and William McCann have been long time members of the board and extraordinary leaders in orchestrating garden tours, bus trips, garden sales and other splendid events too numerous to name. Please join with me in celebrating their accomplishments on April 16 as inductees as Honorary Members of the HGC as unanimously voted by the current BOD’s. I would also like to take this opportunity to introduce our future board members who have graciously put their name forward for nomination as Directors of the HGC, at this year’s AGM. Namely Shelley Olsen, Maria Galletti and Laurie Tomita. Welcome!!
Well my fellow club members and garden enthusiasts, can’t wait to see you all on the 16th. And please, bring along a friend and show them the great deal that exists right here in Hudson as a member of the Hudson Garden Club!