Hello Fellow Gardeners!
Happy May 1st!
Don’t you just love the month of May?!
It starts out very slowly from the doldrums of April with a hint of some budding trees barely visible in the beginning days of May, then before you know it………..KABOOM!!………..We witness this explosion of leaf material as the mighty oaks, maples and beeches let themselves go and provide us with this majestic canopy of beautiful vegetation. And don’t forget about the sweet scents of May from flowering fruit trees. Yep…….Mother Nature certainly out does herself in the month of May!
A couple of weeks ago we gathered for our AGM with wine & cheese to kick off the start of the new gardening season. We were overwhelmed by the incredible turn out and happy to welcome to many new members! We also honored our faithful treasurer Bill Osler who is retiring from the board – though he will be sticking around to help! See the photo gallery HERE.
Speaking of May, just a quick reminder about our speaker for this month. Dr. Christie Lovat‘s presentation is entitled; Rose and Clematis in the Garden, the Best of Friends. That will be held on May 16 at 7:30 PM at St. James Anglican Church.
And of course, we are all looking forward to our plant sale on the 27th. The location this year will be in front of Cardinal Brewery. More details to follow.
Finally, something else this month has popped up on the radar. On May 13th, le Nichoir has asked the HGC if we would like to participate in this year’s Festival of Migratory Birds and Nature. So, a few volunteers are getting together to let the children plant some sunflower seeds. What’s the old expression; out of the mouths of babes. It should be a great morning to get the children exposed to the fun of gardening. So bring out the kids and the grand kids to Jack Layton Park on May 13th from 10am – 2pm and let’s plant some beautiful sunflowers!
That’s all the news for now. Have a great month of May!